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CLR Expo 2024

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Foam, Fire, and Fallout: Tackling PFAS Contamination on major sites

12 Sep 2024
Contamination and Land Remediation Technical Stage
Land Remediation Professional Services Brownfield Development Contamination

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of widely used man-made organic chemical substances utilised in a wide variety of applications, including in firefighting foams. They do not break down in the environment, hence they are often termed “forever chemicals”. In instances where firefighting operations using PFAS-containing foam have occurred, it is probable that PFAS release has occurred as a consequence. Contamination can spread quickly, creating larger volumes of contaminated waters with lower PFAS concentrations that, nonetheless, cannot be discharged untreated into surface water or foul water sewers. Join us as we explore the solutions and approaches we have developed and deployed across several major sites where PFAS contamination incidents have occurred, effectively containing the initial pollution event and remediating the site.

Bill Atkinson, Chief Scientific Advisor - Adler & Allan
Chris Ramsbottom, Strategic Projects Director - Adler & Allan