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CLR Expo 2024

ESS 2024 Aerial


Radon gas: radioactivity from the ground affecting indoor air quality

12 Sep 2024
Contamination and Land Remediation Technical Stage
Air Quality

Radon gas is the largest single source of ionising radiation exposure to the UK population and a leading cause of lung cancer, contributing to more than 1,100 deaths each year. It comes from natural sources and is present in all indoor environments: homes, workplaces and underground facilities. Radon exposure when working and at home is covered by regulations, and methods to reduce radon levels (mitigation) can be very successful in reducing radon levels and exposures.

This session is an introduction to radon gas, where it comes from, the health risks and what you can do to reduce them. It will also cover the revised radon potential map (published in 2022), how to take reliable radon measurements, and what the results mean.

More information can be found on UKHSA's radon website:

Tracy Gooding, Radon Group Leader - Principal Radiation Protection Scientist - UK Health Security Agency