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EFD Agenda 2024

ESS 2024 Aerial


Opening up the SRF market through innovation: Empowering independent waste operators to produce high-quality, consistent material at the right quantity

11 Sep 2024
EFW & Bioenergy Stage
Circular Economy Energy from Waste Waste & Recycling Decarbonisation

In this session, Dr Stephen Wise will delve into the multifaceted world of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) derived from non-recyclable waste streams. Dissecting the intricate technical nuances of waste streams, emphasizing quality control and the role of innovation in SRF production, whilst also exploring the commercial drivers that encourage collaboration between independent waste handlers and offtakers—such as cement manufacturers, gasification plants, and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) producers—toward SRF adoption, Stephen will shed light on how independent waste operators can wield their influence as pivotal players in the supply chain.
Drawing inspiration from real-world examples, including Advetec’s innovative solutions, Stephen will illuminate how non-recyclable waste streams, such as MSW, MRW, or washroom waste, transform into valuable SRF resources destined for critical applications.
Addressing both quantity and quality considerations is essential for securing resources. While many processes require SRF (or high-quality RDF), the limited number of large companies creates competition for the same finite quantity.
Accessing smaller waste companies becomes crucial to meet demand, necessitating a different approach—one that involves managing relationships with multiple small suppliers. Technical, contractual, and management setups must adapt accordingly, moving away from a traditional broker model.

Join Stephen as he explains how smaller waste handlers can be empowered to manufacture SRF.

Dr Stephen Wise, Chief Strategic Development Officer - Advetec