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ESS 2024 Aerial


Stand: EN-K51
  • | EFD

The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA)
was established in 2009. Today we represent and serve over 300 organisations, ranging from anaerobic digestion (AD) operators, equipment suppliers and farmers to finance specialists, academics,
waste management companies, gas distribution networks and other
businesses and specialisms. 

We drive the industry's growth, innovation and best standards of performance because AD is one of the UK's most ground-breaking and important industries for recycling organic wastes, generating renewable energy and achieving national climate change targets. 

Every day we are on the front-line, reducing emissions across the energy, waste, agriculture, food and drink, transport and sewage industries.. We're helping the UK produce renewable heat, electricity, transport fuel and vital soil-restoring natural fertiliser.

We help the nation achieve resilience. At the same time, we help our members cut costs and succeed. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to make all this happen. But we are not doing it alone. After all, it's our members who are the energy behind the AD revolution.


Sustainable Workspaces, Third Floor
Riverside Building, County Hall
Westminster Bridge Road
United Kingdom
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