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PackFlow 2023: Steering the Future of Sustainable Packaging and Environmental Policy

12 Sep 2024
Packaging & EPR Stage
Sustainability , Net-Zero , Circular Economy

For many years, industry has referenced 'PackFlow', a comprehensive analysis of key packaging trends. This presentation will cover the recently published PackFlow 2023 report - an evaluation of packaging materials placed on the UK market, recycling rates, and commonly littered packaging, to highlight areas where intervention and consumer education are most needed.

The session will focus on how PackFlow 2023 is a fundamental resource for governments, producers, and other stakeholders to help inform strategic decisions, particularly regarding packaging sustainability and the implementation of eco modulation fees under packaging Extended Producer Responsibility (pEPR), and how effective data collection can help businesses to be EPR ready.

Attendees will learn how PackFlow supports a data-driven approach that can guide policy and operational strategies to achieve more sustainable packaging solutions, and to help businesses to manage EPR exposure.

The session is aimed at industry professionals seeking to stay informed and proactive in the ever-evolving realm of packaging waste and environmental policy.

Zoe Goodman, Consultant - Valpak