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ESS 2024 Aerial

Georgina Watkins

Georgina Watkins

Senior Consultant, Stantec UK Ltd

Georgie is a Senior Consultant at Stantec with seven years of consulting experience. She specialises in environmental permitting, compliance and material management. She has extensive experience in preparing environmental permit applications and ensuring ongoing regulatory compliance for waste recycling and deposit for recovery sites. Her knowledge on soil re-use options, permitting, the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoWCoP), Quality Protocols and waste classification has led her to provide training presentations to waste producers, operators, and the wider waste and construction industry. It has also led to her co-authoring the CIRIA guide C809 “Sustainable Management of Surplus Soil and Aggregates from Construction”, which provides guidance on the sustainable use of soils and aggregates from construction across the UK. She is an active participant on industry forums and working groups including those facilitated and lead by the Mineral Products Association (MPA) and Society for the Environment (SocEnv).
