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ESS 2024 Aerial

James Eyton

James Eyton

Head of CCUS, Viridor

James has over a decade of experience working across the Energy industry. A Chartered Engineer with the IMechE, he has worked on energy projects at all stages of life, from conception through operations to decommissioning.

Since graduating from Cambridge University, James has worked across a wide range of industries including on and offshore wind, heat networks, thermal (gas fired) power, oil and gas, resource recovery and energy from waste, giving him broad experience of the UK energy market.

James joined Viridor from Centrica in 2021 and is now responsible for leading carbon capture utilisation and storage projects and implementing the organisation’s pathway to Net Zero by 2040. His role includes leading the flagship Runcorn CCS project, which has been selected by UK government as a Track 1 capture project, and developing the pipeline of future projects to participate in future Tracks of the UK government’s decarbonisation programme. He is passionate about the opportunity to build a pathfinding project in the UK, applying CCS to energy from waste, and unlocking the opportunity to both decarbonise waste management and to create negative emissions, each a key aspect of the UK government’s 2030 capture targets.
